Sea to Sky Gondola Squamish is a thrilling experience. Located 40 miles/64 kms from Vancouver, 36 miles/59 kms from gorgeous Whistler and 1.25 miles/2 kms south of Squamish town. The drive from Vancouver to Squamish is along the beautiful Sea-to-Sky Highway 99. There are many “look-out” points along the way to stop and admire the wonderful beauty of Howe Sound and the Coast mountains. To see more pictures, click here.

Howe Sound-Coast Mountains, Squamish
A ticket gets you one round trip on the Gondola (0.55 mile/885 mts) up to the summit. Walking on all the trails, viewing platforms and the exhilarating Sky Pilot suspension bridge is included. You can also access snowshoe trails and snow tubing. Snowshoes, over-boots, crampons and poles are available on rent.

Sea to Sky Gondola, Squamish
The view from the Summit Lodge Deck overlooks Howe Sound,the rugged Coast mountains and a birds eye view of the town of Squamish. The walk on the Sky Pilot Suspension bridge (100 meters long), is an adrenaline rush. The views are gorgeous and the feeling is great. To see more pictures, click here.

Sky Pilot suspension bridge, Squamish
You must walk the trails as you will come upon view after view of wonderment. The Chief Overlook Viewing Platform has a sheer drop below it and offers a breathtaking view.

Stawamus Chief mountain overlook viewing platform, Squamish
Getting to Sea to Sky Gondola Squamish
From Vancouver, there is a shuttle day trip to Sea to Sky Gondola.
From Whistler, catch the Greyhound bus at the Bus Loop in Whistler Village square. You can get off at the Squamish North Garibaldi bus terminal but I would recommend the Squamish Chieftain Downtown stop. Not all their buses stop here, check schedules well. You have to catch a taxi to get to the Sea to Sky Gondola and this location is nearer.
You should also consider visiting Whistler.
Click here to see more pictures of Squamish Sea to Sky.
- If traveling Greyhound, they are pretty much on time, don’t miss your bus.
- It is a full-day trip, try to be as early as possible as the last ride down in winter is 5 pm
- If visiting from Whistler by Greyhound, look for service to the Squamish Chieftain Downtown stop as it is closer to Sea to Sky Gondola and you will save on taxi fare. You have to take a taxi there anyways. Taxi service isn’t great, expect delays!