Athinios inter-Island Ferry Port Of Santorini is 8-kms from Thera. A single-lane in each-direction-road that winds up/down a steep mountain-side for the last 3.5-kms. Do not keep valuables in your checked baggage. All luggage is just left unattended on the parking deck of the ferry. Take a lock and chain if possible so you can secure your luggage to something.

Road down the mountain to the port, Athinios, Santorini
During peak season there are many ferries arriving/departing almost simultaneously. The journey up/down the mountain can take 40-minutes. Mine did! The view as you descend, is phenomenal.

Panoramic view of Thera to the right and Oia in the middle of the picture from the road to Athinios Port, Athinios, Santorin
Athinios, inter-Island Ferry Port Of Santorini
1. Check-In
Check-in at the port at least 1-hour before your departure time. The ferry doesn’t wait for passengers and departs on schedule. This is one of the most heavily used ports in Greece and it is chaotic. The various Ferry company offices are located outside of the ferry terminal building.

Ferry company and travel agency offices, Athinios, Santorini
Once you confirm your booking, you can relax in the terminal building. There is a snack-bar there that also sells cold beer.

Waiting area of the Ferry terminal, Athinios, Santorini
2. Announcements
All announcements are made in Greek. The digital display boards are small and difficult to read.

The waiting area of the Ferry terminal in Athinios, Santorini
3. Boarding/Disembarking The Ferry
Announcements and communication isn’t clear which makes the boarding process extremely chaotic. Be alert when boarding and make sure you are boarding the right vessel.

Crowds waiting to board the ferry, Athinios, Santorini
Your ticket isn’t checked till you are on-board. If you make a mistake, it is extremely difficult to get off as the crowds are large.
Disembarking is somewhat orderly but you have to pick up your luggage first. If you are a person that needs assistance, make it known to the crew.

Disembarking the ferry, Athinios, Santorini
The ferries are very comfortable and seating is of your choice in your designated class of travel. A full service galley on board.offers you decent hot-meals accompanied by a variety of beverages.

Ferry Cabin, Athinios, Santorini
Bon Voyage!